WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.519 Welcome to the Sector . I am your host 00:02.529 --> 00:05.139 today , Patrick Young . And today we 00:05.150 --> 00:08.210 have a special guest , one of our new 00:08.220 --> 00:11.989 members , Major Tim Davis um in the 00:12.000 --> 00:14.056 studio today . Welcome Major Davis . 00:14.056 --> 00:16.111 How are you ? Hey , Pat , good to be 00:16.111 --> 00:18.739 here . So , uh Major Davis , you've uh 00:18.750 --> 00:20.979 you've been with the unit now for , has 00:20.989 --> 00:23.267 it been a couple of years ? Yes . Yeah . 00:23.319 --> 00:25.541 Uh About two years now coming up on two 00:25.541 --> 00:28.290 years . OK . Now , uh give us a little 00:28.299 --> 00:30.410 background on yourself . Um Where are 00:30.410 --> 00:32.410 you from ? You know , we'll get you 00:32.410 --> 00:34.521 into the military and then we'll kind 00:34.521 --> 00:36.688 of uh we'll make that connection of uh 00:36.688 --> 00:38.966 what , what got you here to the sector . 00:38.966 --> 00:41.077 Yeah . So I , I started out my career 00:41.077 --> 00:43.299 in active duty and so I'm a prior AWA X 00:43.299 --> 00:46.340 guy . So I , I spent a lot of my time 00:46.349 --> 00:49.159 at Tinker Air Force Base uh with the A 00:49.229 --> 00:52.450 wax community before I joined over at 00:52.459 --> 00:54.459 the International Guard here in New 00:54.459 --> 00:57.659 York . And uh really , I just wanted to 00:57.669 --> 00:59.836 make the transition out of active duty 00:59.836 --> 01:02.529 over to the National Guard for mostly 01:02.540 --> 01:05.190 family reasons and stability for , for 01:05.199 --> 01:07.800 life and , and uh and knowing some of 01:07.809 --> 01:09.642 the guys that had made the , the 01:09.642 --> 01:11.753 transfer over , uh , and talking with 01:11.753 --> 01:14.639 them and about the mission of the 2 01:14.650 --> 01:17.790 24th . Yeah , it's just excited me . So 01:17.860 --> 01:19.860 I wanted to take my experience from 01:19.860 --> 01:22.339 active duty into continuing my , my 01:22.349 --> 01:25.230 service , uh , in with , uh , the New 01:25.239 --> 01:27.572 York Air National Guard here up at , uh , 01:27.572 --> 01:29.739 Rome , New York for the es excellent . 01:29.739 --> 01:31.906 So , uh , eight years active duty . Is 01:31.906 --> 01:33.961 that right ? That's right . Ok . And 01:33.961 --> 01:36.183 then uh transitioned over here to the 2 01:36.183 --> 01:39.629 24th , their defense group in Rome , um , 01:40.300 --> 01:42.949 wouldn't change a thing happy that you 01:42.959 --> 01:45.360 did active duty first and then uh uh a 01:45.370 --> 01:47.426 GR program . Yes , absolutely . So , 01:47.426 --> 01:50.650 I'm a , I'm an OTs guy into uh with 01:50.660 --> 01:53.120 active duty . So , um , you know , I , 01:53.220 --> 01:55.269 I spent my uh prior years of my 01:55.279 --> 01:58.959 civilian life before serving in the Air 01:58.970 --> 02:01.830 Force in commercial construction and 02:01.839 --> 02:04.500 getting my degrees and my pilot license 02:04.720 --> 02:07.660 and just have a love for aviation . So , 02:07.709 --> 02:09.876 wanted to take that into the Air Force 02:09.876 --> 02:12.039 and uh became an air battle manager . 02:12.050 --> 02:14.161 Uh I spent some time training through 02:14.169 --> 02:16.169 at Tindal Air Force Base in Florida 02:16.339 --> 02:19.470 before then moving up to Oklahoma City 02:19.600 --> 02:21.711 there with Tinker Air Force Base . Uh 02:21.711 --> 02:24.410 spent my time uh out there in the 02:24.419 --> 02:27.020 operational units and then uh with the 02:27.029 --> 02:29.085 deployments and then moving into the 02:29.085 --> 02:31.820 training uh environment uh before uh 02:31.839 --> 02:34.050 applying over here for the National 02:34.059 --> 02:36.619 Guard at A I DS . So you mentioned , um 02:36.630 --> 02:38.519 you learned about the Eastern air 02:38.519 --> 02:40.630 defense sector from friends , right ? 02:40.630 --> 02:42.630 Prior service , active duty members 02:42.630 --> 02:44.574 that transitioned over here . So a 02:44.574 --> 02:46.797 great way to kind of find out about the 02:46.797 --> 02:48.852 unit . Understand the guard a little 02:48.852 --> 02:50.852 bit because would you say it's fair 02:50.852 --> 02:52.797 that uh active duty doesn't always 02:52.797 --> 02:54.852 understand necessarily the guard and 02:54.852 --> 02:57.019 the guard guard culture ? Yes , it's a 02:57.019 --> 02:59.352 completely different world . And that's , 02:59.352 --> 03:01.463 that's , that's one , one thing . And 03:01.463 --> 03:03.574 as I'm talking to friends that are on 03:03.574 --> 03:05.741 active duty , uh just trying to spread 03:05.741 --> 03:07.408 the , the , I guess the , the 03:07.408 --> 03:09.408 information of , you know , it is a 03:09.408 --> 03:11.574 different culture . It's a different , 03:11.574 --> 03:14.789 it's a different life . Um So , but the 03:14.800 --> 03:16.911 benefit is you're still being able to 03:16.911 --> 03:20.229 serve and , and uh you know , continue 03:20.240 --> 03:23.970 your , your career is pretty much as an 03:23.979 --> 03:26.820 age part as an active duty member . Um 03:26.830 --> 03:29.279 So even though I'm Air National Guard , 03:29.289 --> 03:31.529 I'm still in the Air Guard Reserves as 03:31.539 --> 03:34.399 a , so a gr still serving full time . 03:34.649 --> 03:37.660 Um and there's other opportunities as 03:37.669 --> 03:39.891 well as doing the , you know , the DS G 03:39.891 --> 03:42.113 program . So you can do part time guard 03:42.113 --> 03:45.000 as well . And uh both are , are great 03:45.009 --> 03:47.410 and amazing opportunities that are uh 03:47.419 --> 03:49.679 afforded here with the New York Air 03:49.690 --> 03:51.468 National Guard at E I DS . No . 03:51.468 --> 03:53.746 Absolutely . Yeah , you , you , uh you , 03:53.746 --> 03:55.857 you captured it well , there , as far 03:55.857 --> 03:57.968 as uh those benefits , what would you 03:57.968 --> 03:59.746 say from your perspective , the 03:59.746 --> 04:01.801 greatest benefit has been to you and 04:01.801 --> 04:03.523 your family because I know you 04:03.523 --> 04:05.634 mentioned family was a big reason for 04:05.634 --> 04:07.801 making that change um in transitioning 04:07.801 --> 04:09.968 over to the Eastern air defense sector 04:09.968 --> 04:12.190 and becoming a full time reservist in a 04:12.190 --> 04:14.339 gr yeah , absolutely . So I've got , 04:14.350 --> 04:16.619 I've got three young kiddos and their 04:16.630 --> 04:19.600 ages now , 45 and seven . So all kind 04:19.609 --> 04:21.980 of close and young age and the big 04:21.989 --> 04:25.049 benefit for me and , and , and my wife , 04:25.059 --> 04:27.799 you know , is the stability for family . 04:27.809 --> 04:31.630 And um just early on 04:31.640 --> 04:34.709 seeing , you know , uh watching the , 04:34.720 --> 04:36.887 the kiddos grow up and they're growing 04:36.887 --> 04:39.459 quickly , too quickly , sometimes not 04:39.470 --> 04:41.660 quick enough . But uh they're , you 04:41.670 --> 04:43.892 know , I just , just love um you know , 04:43.892 --> 04:46.170 being with my family and that's , 04:46.179 --> 04:48.570 that's the opportunity that I have 04:48.579 --> 04:51.519 still serving . But watching my kids 04:51.529 --> 04:54.589 grow up is was the big motivating 04:54.600 --> 04:57.760 factor . And then you , you , you , you , 04:57.769 --> 05:00.380 you pair that with the mission , uh the 05:00.390 --> 05:02.501 Noran mission though , you know , one 05:02.501 --> 05:05.799 mission , the being able to , to run 05:05.809 --> 05:08.700 homeland defense is very fulfilling . 05:08.940 --> 05:12.679 So that , that's really the , I guess 05:12.690 --> 05:14.579 you could say what drew me in to 05:14.589 --> 05:17.899 applying for the National Guard . Um So 05:17.910 --> 05:20.077 yeah , no regrets it , it's just , you 05:20.077 --> 05:22.390 know , it started with how can I , what 05:22.399 --> 05:25.450 can I do best for my family and as my , 05:25.459 --> 05:28.529 my main value and priority , but also 05:28.540 --> 05:30.649 still wanting to hum that longing to 05:30.660 --> 05:33.010 serve . And I feel that , you know , es 05:33.019 --> 05:35.649 offers that , that that opportunity , 05:35.750 --> 05:37.917 the best of both worlds there . Yeah . 05:37.917 --> 05:40.083 No , I , I , again , I think you , you 05:40.083 --> 05:42.306 captured it well , you know , it sounds 05:42.306 --> 05:44.528 like uh you're able to strike the right 05:44.528 --> 05:46.750 balance of uh being able to fulfill the 05:46.750 --> 05:48.917 desire to serve , which you've had for 05:48.917 --> 05:51.083 some time since you joined active duty 05:51.083 --> 05:53.250 and probably prior . Um , but you also 05:53.250 --> 05:55.429 get to be there for your family . Your 05:55.440 --> 05:58.079 family gets a , a uh to experience that 05:58.089 --> 05:59.645 stability that , you know , 05:59.645 --> 06:01.756 unfortunately , sometimes on the , on 06:01.756 --> 06:03.811 the active duty site isn't always uh 06:03.811 --> 06:05.978 available because of the nature of the 06:05.978 --> 06:08.145 mission and , and the movement and the 06:08.145 --> 06:11.119 mobility . Um So , absolutely . Um So 06:11.130 --> 06:13.760 you came here to Rome . Uh you , you , 06:13.769 --> 06:16.739 uh you were here for a couple of years 06:16.750 --> 06:18.694 now . You're still a member of the 06:18.694 --> 06:20.694 organization , but you're no longer 06:20.694 --> 06:24.570 serving uh at the uh at the Rome 2 24th 06:24.579 --> 06:26.970 Air Defense Group location . Uh Tell us 06:26.980 --> 06:29.202 a little bit about your movement within 06:29.202 --> 06:31.258 the organization and , and where you 06:31.258 --> 06:33.424 are now . Yeah , that's right pat . So 06:33.424 --> 06:35.591 I , I spent my initial uh time here in 06:35.591 --> 06:37.980 the air defense sector , uh 2 24th air 06:37.989 --> 06:40.309 defense sector um just in the daily 06:40.320 --> 06:43.320 operations . Um So still serving as a 06:43.329 --> 06:45.980 air battle manager . Um and , and just 06:45.989 --> 06:48.980 for the Homeland Defense mission , um 06:49.549 --> 06:53.450 essentially was able to uh then take 06:53.459 --> 06:56.190 on an opportunity that came along to uh 06:56.200 --> 06:58.367 still be a part of the unit overall as 06:58.367 --> 07:01.570 the Air Defense Group . Um , but uh 07:01.579 --> 07:04.970 continue to , to serve now in 07:04.980 --> 07:08.609 Virginia at the National Capital Region 07:08.619 --> 07:10.786 Coordinations Center , uh , we call it 07:10.786 --> 07:14.040 the , the Nick R and that is 07:14.049 --> 07:16.140 essentially a , uh , it's our 07:16.149 --> 07:18.260 detachment from their defense group . 07:18.260 --> 07:21.859 So we go , it's debt two . So one of 07:21.869 --> 07:24.369 the two debts that's , that's there in , 07:24.470 --> 07:28.329 uh south . So we , um , at 07:28.339 --> 07:30.959 the , at the Coordinations Center , you 07:30.970 --> 07:34.589 could think of it as I'm a liaison for 07:34.809 --> 07:37.399 the E I DS mission with the , all the 07:37.410 --> 07:39.649 other agencies , uh most specifically 07:39.660 --> 07:43.170 for um the service of , of DC . Um 07:43.179 --> 07:46.000 So the uh 07:46.209 --> 07:48.739 DC special flight rules restricted 07:48.750 --> 07:52.250 areas is our main focus and we pretty 07:52.260 --> 07:55.799 much work to help uh just to 07:55.809 --> 07:58.720 protect the , the airspace and , and 07:58.730 --> 08:00.929 the , the , the operations that are 08:00.940 --> 08:04.760 going on there daily . Um So as a 08:04.769 --> 08:07.260 liaison , being able to connect with , 08:07.540 --> 08:09.940 um you know , the operation up here at 08:09.950 --> 08:13.140 es who's , you know , part of DC is 08:13.149 --> 08:16.260 part of the area of operations for the 08:16.269 --> 08:19.790 sector here . Um I'm the liaison now uh 08:19.799 --> 08:23.070 for , for the DC area that um 08:23.510 --> 08:25.600 being able to coordinate with uh 08:25.609 --> 08:29.420 multiple agencies and uh just 08:29.429 --> 08:32.520 helping the flow of information and uh 08:32.530 --> 08:35.460 just the continuing the really in the 08:35.469 --> 08:39.140 defense mindset for DC . And that uh so 08:39.150 --> 08:41.500 the Freedom Center , as it's also known , 08:41.719 --> 08:43.299 was actually born out of 08:43.309 --> 08:45.570 recommendations from the 911 Council . 08:45.580 --> 08:47.747 So , uh one of the biggest things that 08:47.747 --> 08:49.880 they found was interagency , 08:50.099 --> 08:53.359 information sharing was not necessarily 08:53.369 --> 08:55.591 something that was available . And so , 08:55.591 --> 08:57.702 you know , with the , with the events 08:57.702 --> 08:59.869 that transpired on September 11th , um 08:59.869 --> 09:02.036 you know , it was understood that they 09:02.036 --> 09:04.147 needed to create an environment where 09:04.147 --> 09:06.313 these inter agencies came together and 09:06.313 --> 09:08.313 shared their piece of the puzzle to 09:08.313 --> 09:10.480 really understand what was going on uh 09:10.480 --> 09:12.760 in , in the air picture . So it must be 09:12.770 --> 09:15.359 amazing to , to work there day to day 09:15.669 --> 09:18.229 um in an agency that , that it is set 09:18.239 --> 09:20.479 up to ensure that we don't have one of 09:20.489 --> 09:22.600 those catastrophic events again . And 09:22.600 --> 09:24.600 that , that pretty much nails it is 09:24.600 --> 09:26.822 that , you know , being able to be part 09:26.822 --> 09:28.822 of that information flow to help uh 09:28.822 --> 09:32.049 just help guide that along to expedite 09:32.059 --> 09:35.679 information . It's so it's , it's still 09:35.690 --> 09:37.789 uh very fulfilling that , that being 09:37.799 --> 09:40.099 able to um be part of that , that 09:40.109 --> 09:42.500 coordinations that , that happens um 09:42.510 --> 09:44.940 between the sectors and , and our 09:44.950 --> 09:47.900 ourselves down there to really help , 09:47.909 --> 09:49.859 help really everything continue 09:49.869 --> 09:52.460 smoothly . And so , yeah , good 09:52.469 --> 09:55.489 opportunity . Um And so , yeah , really 09:55.500 --> 09:57.667 glad to be part of that mission that's 09:57.667 --> 09:59.778 down there a little bit more in the , 09:59.778 --> 10:01.667 I'd say the details and the nitty 10:01.667 --> 10:03.722 gritty of the ongoing of , of the DC 10:03.722 --> 10:06.619 area . No , uh you know , uh everybody 10:06.630 --> 10:08.710 in uh in uniform takes an oath and , 10:08.719 --> 10:10.941 and the oath is to protect and defend . 10:11.239 --> 10:14.659 Uh and , and there's no close , closer 10:14.669 --> 10:16.447 mission set than protecting and 10:16.450 --> 10:18.506 defending the homeland in the manner 10:18.506 --> 10:20.561 that , uh , the men and women of the 10:20.561 --> 10:22.728 224 their defense group do on a day to 10:22.728 --> 10:24.950 day basis . So to be right up there and 10:24.950 --> 10:27.228 to be in the DC area and be , you know , 10:27.228 --> 10:29.394 intimately involved in that absolutely 10:29.394 --> 10:31.506 has to be , has to be amazing . Now , 10:31.506 --> 10:33.561 uh , something interesting , uh , in 10:33.561 --> 10:35.728 your new role , uh , rather recently , 10:35.728 --> 10:38.039 uh , you had , uh , an opportunity to , 10:38.049 --> 10:40.049 uh , have an , I guess what I would 10:40.049 --> 10:42.349 call an immersive experience uh with 10:42.359 --> 10:44.539 the Coast Guard . Um And the Coast 10:44.549 --> 10:48.049 Guard uh uh does support us in terms of 10:48.059 --> 10:50.630 being uh on alert if , if needed for 10:50.640 --> 10:53.049 certain types of uh situations . So can 10:53.059 --> 10:55.226 you tell us a little bit about that uh 10:55.226 --> 10:57.448 that recent experience ? Uh what , what 10:57.448 --> 10:59.615 it was like , what you did ? Um And um 10:59.615 --> 11:01.948 you know , how it felt to be , you know , 11:01.948 --> 11:04.229 on the other side that was uh very 11:04.239 --> 11:06.429 special for me , it's , uh you know , 11:06.440 --> 11:09.729 being able to uh kind of see it not 11:09.739 --> 11:11.795 just on a , say a radar screen , but 11:11.795 --> 11:14.072 now I'm seeing it , you know , with my , 11:14.072 --> 11:16.183 my , my own eyeballs and a and better 11:16.183 --> 11:18.406 from the bird's eye perspective there . 11:18.406 --> 11:20.128 Um You know , we got a tour of 11:20.128 --> 11:22.295 essentially the monuments from the air 11:22.295 --> 11:24.517 without having to put up with the , the 11:24.517 --> 11:26.580 traffic on the ground . So it was a 11:26.590 --> 11:29.700 very , very , very wonderful time and , 11:29.710 --> 11:32.710 and just seeing the experience like , 11:32.909 --> 11:34.965 and , and the hard work of the Coast 11:34.965 --> 11:36.965 Guard uh that they put into these , 11:36.965 --> 11:39.187 that are daily operations was just , it 11:39.187 --> 11:41.869 was , it was uh a very uh like I said , 11:41.880 --> 11:45.200 a good enriching time . Um So , um yeah , 11:45.210 --> 11:47.599 just a , a shout out to those guys that , 11:47.609 --> 11:49.776 that put in the hard work every day uh 11:49.776 --> 11:52.619 down there running that operation and 11:52.630 --> 11:55.349 then uh being generous and , and , and , 11:55.359 --> 11:58.429 and affording , let's see us to come 11:58.440 --> 12:00.650 down and visit and tour and , and put 12:00.659 --> 12:03.960 up with us in , in the air . Uh So it 12:03.969 --> 12:06.320 was uh yeah , just , just a wonderful 12:06.330 --> 12:08.497 time . Excellent . So not to mention , 12:08.497 --> 12:10.608 it made you a pretty big hero at home 12:10.608 --> 12:12.774 when you got to show the kids uh dad's 12:12.774 --> 12:14.830 experience . Yeah , they brought out 12:14.830 --> 12:16.941 their toy helicopters and uh did some 12:16.941 --> 12:19.108 reenactment . Now they think I , I fly 12:19.108 --> 12:21.789 helicopters every day . So it's uh yeah , 12:21.799 --> 12:23.910 it's , it was , it's just a wonderful 12:23.910 --> 12:25.989 experience and the ones that I , you 12:26.000 --> 12:28.167 know , I could share some pictures and 12:28.167 --> 12:30.389 videos with my , my own Children and um 12:30.389 --> 12:32.556 have them kind of share the experience 12:32.556 --> 12:34.778 with me as well . It's uh yeah , very , 12:34.778 --> 12:36.944 very special . That's terrific . Uh So 12:36.944 --> 12:40.109 major Tim Davis , uh husband , 12:40.150 --> 12:42.750 father , air battle manager , uh 12:42.760 --> 12:45.250 serving as uh an air liaison officer 12:45.260 --> 12:48.049 now in the national capital region . Um 12:48.059 --> 12:50.469 Any parting words for the general 12:50.479 --> 12:52.750 public out there about service about 12:52.760 --> 12:55.549 the Guard . Uh Anything that you uh you , 12:55.559 --> 12:58.469 you'd like uh the audience to know . Oh , 12:58.479 --> 13:02.450 my open mic . All right . Um , no , 13:02.460 --> 13:04.627 really . I just , uh , I'm , I'm , I'm 13:04.627 --> 13:06.849 blessed and really , uh , uh , uh , you 13:06.849 --> 13:10.260 know , appreciative and , um , I'm just 13:10.270 --> 13:12.419 really honored to serve alongside 13:12.630 --> 13:14.940 others that , that love to , you know , 13:14.950 --> 13:17.609 serve for their country , um , and have 13:17.619 --> 13:19.730 a love for the country and , and want 13:19.730 --> 13:22.008 to serve their country . So , you know , 13:22.008 --> 13:24.286 it's , it's , it's one part , you know , 13:24.286 --> 13:26.508 focusing on a mission and , and getting 13:26.508 --> 13:28.841 to do some fun field trips . But really , 13:28.841 --> 13:28.719 it's the , the day in day out , it's 13:28.729 --> 13:30.896 the daily , you know , the 24 or seven 13:30.896 --> 13:33.500 operations that we , we run uh as a 13:33.510 --> 13:36.260 needs mission . It's , it's getting to 13:36.270 --> 13:39.369 work with good people and , and , and , 13:39.380 --> 13:41.602 and good leadership and , and just good 13:41.602 --> 13:43.799 people around a good organization . So 13:43.809 --> 13:45.698 this is something I'm really just 13:45.698 --> 13:47.979 blessed and , uh you know , glad that I 13:47.989 --> 13:50.211 can hop on a mic here and , and share a 13:50.211 --> 13:52.729 little bit of my experience . Um and , 13:52.770 --> 13:56.210 and um just , yeah , just to encourage 13:56.219 --> 13:58.052 anyone that's thinking about air 13:58.052 --> 14:00.460 National Guard or um you know , wanting 14:00.469 --> 14:03.650 to put on a uniform . Um It's , it's , 14:04.020 --> 14:06.187 it's humbling and it's , it's , it's , 14:06.187 --> 14:08.580 it is an honor and doing , getting to 14:08.590 --> 14:11.200 do that with , with others is , is , it 14:11.210 --> 14:14.080 really is a , a blessing . So , um yeah , 14:14.090 --> 14:16.440 just really fortunate to be able to 14:16.450 --> 14:18.506 serve in this capacity . Yeah , that 14:18.506 --> 14:20.728 you put it , you put it , uh you put it 14:20.728 --> 14:22.783 perfectly great organization , great 14:22.783 --> 14:24.839 people uh you certain fall into that 14:24.839 --> 14:27.061 category of one of our uh our our value 14:27.061 --> 14:29.445 added members . Uh We're fortunate to 14:29.455 --> 14:31.677 have you as a , as a unit member , made 14:31.677 --> 14:33.788 the choice to uh to come here and now 14:33.788 --> 14:36.174 uh serve in a different capacity . Uh I 14:36.184 --> 14:38.406 think you're probably one of our rising 14:38.406 --> 14:41.125 stars , so some more to come . Um but 14:41.135 --> 14:42.524 uh overall , thank you . 14:46.960 --> 14:46.979 Yeah .